-lm - default.jpg

-lm's Profile

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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 13 Sep 2008
Last Seen: 13 Sep 2008
4 Uploads Total
6 Comments By -lm

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1-4 out of 4 uploads
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icon 2 Purple with Kaltik frames
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-lms latest comments

1-5 out of 6 comments
icon 2 Purple with Kaltik frames
14 Jul 2009 comment on icon 2 Purple with Kaltik frames

i hate the frames!!! there loving wasting this set up!
16 Feb 2009 comment on RAZOR G8 CUSTOM

fairy power spary:) leave fro half an hour then scrup with a brilo dont go near the g8 sign as that will come off too
Razor Shima 6
16 Sep 2008 comment on Razor Shima 6

i offre yooh a tener:D and a backlside plate
Razor Shima 6
14 Sep 2008 comment on Razor Shima 6

:L better have those spare bits for me in the car:)
Razor Shima 6
14 Sep 2008 comment on Razor Shima 6

sweet set up;) i reckon you swap me frames mate

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