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Member Since: 17 Oct 2008Last Seen: 17 Jul 2012
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35 Comments By Kartal
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31-35 out of 35 comments
21 Oct 2008 comment on My collection
[quote=djscout]richard m1s man.... those are the best wheels ever! (your not richard, are you?)[/quote] no i'm not :))
[quote=djscout]richard m1s man.... those are the best wheels ever! (your not richard, are you?)[/quote] no i'm not :))
19 Oct 2008 comment on My collection
[quote=FourX4Boozer]haha u had to get tons of those cheap imitation version of M1 Rachard wheels that came on the RJ skates with the free wheels... i figure u do need a crap load of them since those things chunck up or decore in about a week's or two worth of skating... but shit i wouldn't mind having that many shit wheels to blow =D[/quote] those things chunck up or decore in about a week's or two :) No...Believe me...no:no: aaand, i didn't pay for the wheels :D, frames or rachards :nod:
[quote=FourX4Boozer]haha u had to get tons of those cheap imitation version of M1 Rachard wheels that came on the RJ skates with the free wheels... i figure u do need a crap load of them since those things chunck up or decore in about a week's or two worth of skating... but shit i wouldn't mind having that many shit wheels to blow =D[/quote] those things chunck up or decore in about a week's or two :) No...Believe me...no:no: aaand, i didn't pay for the wheels :D, frames or rachards :nod:
18 Oct 2008 comment on Rachard Johnson red blue
super patenlaerin abi :D nice skates, spider-maan spider-maaan, spider-maan spider-maaan, the amazing spider-man :))
super patenlaerin abi :D nice skates, spider-maan spider-maaan, spider-maan spider-maaan, the amazing spider-man :))
what is so home made about them?