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Member Since: 28 Oct 2008Last Seen: 28 Oct 2008
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31 Comments By olitill
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27 Dec 2008 comment on deshi spizers
no sorry man but they wear out a bit quick id say around about 1/2 year ? but i might get some USDs and new treseder frames which im going to add to my set up
no sorry man but they wear out a bit quick id say around about 1/2 year ? but i might get some USDs and new treseder frames which im going to add to my set up
02 Nov 2008 comment on Deshi spizer ones
so after a while i shud get used to them then? insted of my shins gettin knacked!
so after a while i shud get used to them then? insted of my shins gettin knacked!
01 Nov 2008 comment on Deshi spizer ones
the only thing is the liner can be a bit anoying and the inside ov my foot hurts a little sometimes whilst skatin them..............wot do u think?
the only thing is the liner can be a bit anoying and the inside ov my foot hurts a little sometimes whilst skatin them..............wot do u think?
yea dam heavey i know cus i got the skates and posted them