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Member Since: 04 Nov 2008Last Seen: 04 Nov 2008
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14 Comments By neddy
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20 Feb 2009 comment on trs custom
they look fantastic!!!!! just a shame they will only look that good once one session and its all over
they look fantastic!!!!! just a shame they will only look that good once one session and its all over
28 Jan 2009 comment on Majestic 12 grey nitm2k
wow crank straps and cds heel blocks nices old school skates
wow crank straps and cds heel blocks nices old school skates
24 Dec 2008 comment on Franky Remz
just wondering why get franky skates then take all the franky bits off them?
just wondering why get franky skates then take all the franky bits off them?
nope still dont get the whole deshi thing