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Member Since: 09 Nov 2008Last Seen: 09 Nov 2008
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23 Comments By Kenny
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11-15 out of 23 comments
16 Feb 2009 comment on Deshi CH1
loving it. Deshi CH1 are the best looking skate! btw, what's the size of the boot and the soulplate?
loving it. Deshi CH1 are the best looking skate! btw, what's the size of the boot and the soulplate?
11 Feb 2009 comment on RAZOR G8 CUSTOM
looks really really good. I love all white skates. but why dont u cut the little part at the back? Lil bit of shell coming out from the cuff doesnt look nice...
looks really really good. I love all white skates. but why dont u cut the little part at the back? Lil bit of shell coming out from the cuff doesnt look nice...
18 Jan 2009 comment on Deshi Harmanus
They are some old K2 Nemesis souls. Better than the original Ch1 souls.
They are some old K2 Nemesis souls. Better than the original Ch1 souls.
nice nice. did u cut out the bottom of the boots? cuz when i did the same custom without cutting the bottom, the soul was just too far from the boot and felt wierd when i did sou tricks... Nice custom though.