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Member Since: 14 Nov 2008Last Seen: 14 Nov 2008
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9 Comments By AlinRollerblade
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AlinRollerblades latest comments
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15 Nov 2008 comment on custom TRS Access
[quote=DESHIKID]I would like 2 buy those of of u email me about the size and the price[/quote] [highlight=#cccccc]sorry, they're not for sale :D[/highlight]
[quote=DESHIKID]I would like 2 buy those of of u email me about the size and the price[/quote] [highlight=#cccccc]sorry, they're not for sale :D[/highlight]
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[quote=xlarge] The boot shell is size 6-7 US. The liners are 7 US. I'm actually a size 8 US, but after stretching the Remz liners out (which was really quick and easy) they now fit perfect. [/quote] how did you stretch the liners out? :)