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Member Since: 23 Apr 2007Last Seen: 28 Apr 2007
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24 Apr 2007 comment on Custom USD Aaron Feinberg 3
hey, this post was make me thinking about something: what is set up your skates? chnge any part and yet?, well, if I've got some throne and I change the coff, it's yet a set up,right?, and, if I get a throne and change all fucking parts except boot, it still being a throne, but customized, right? well, why the fuck if this guy, was buyed a feinberg throne and was changed all parts except the shell, you're saying that it's not a feinberg's throne?, thinking like this, if you get a feinberg thorne and change the buckle, this is not a feinberg throne yet, right? and think one thing, if I get a murda2 and put wheels, soulplates, backslideplates, cuffs, laces, frames, screws, bearings and bucles of the shima3, what fucking skate I've got? a shima3 with murda2 shell, or a murda2 with shima3 parts? or noone of both? well, i think that the shell rules, and if this skates get's feinberg's shell, it's still being a feinberg's throne, no matter what parts get. anyway, that's cool man! I've ever thinked that this skates must get white parts. P.I.M.P.!!!!!!
hey, this post was make me thinking about something: what is set up your skates? chnge any part and yet?, well, if I've got some throne and I change the coff, it's yet a set up,right?, and, if I get a throne and change all fucking parts except boot, it still being a throne, but customized, right? well, why the fuck if this guy, was buyed a feinberg throne and was changed all parts except the shell, you're saying that it's not a feinberg's throne?, thinking like this, if you get a feinberg thorne and change the buckle, this is not a feinberg throne yet, right? and think one thing, if I get a murda2 and put wheels, soulplates, backslideplates, cuffs, laces, frames, screws, bearings and bucles of the shima3, what fucking skate I've got? a shima3 with murda2 shell, or a murda2 with shima3 parts? or noone of both? well, i think that the shell rules, and if this skates get's feinberg's shell, it's still being a feinberg's throne, no matter what parts get. anyway, that's cool man! I've ever thinked that this skates must get white parts. P.I.M.P.!!!!!!
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He was just mixed the old 1st tumorplate of thrones with the new system.. yes sir, hard work with dremel, soo hard!!