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Member Since: 18 Dec 2008Last Seen: 18 Dec 2008
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9 Comments By Prolix
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11 Sep 2009 comment on Valo TV.2 Black
you're going to hate those wheels after a couple weeks. just a warning.
you're going to hate those wheels after a couple weeks. just a warning.
31 Mar 2009 comment on CF2
Oh man, I miss those frames so much. They were easily the best frames ever made.
Oh man, I miss those frames so much. They were easily the best frames ever made.
03 Mar 2009 comment on Icons 2
[highlight=#cccccc]If you said you don't like the feeling of leaning backward, then why would you buy v-cut cuffs? Those skates just look silly.[/highlight]
[highlight=#cccccc]If you said you don't like the feeling of leaning backward, then why would you buy v-cut cuffs? Those skates just look silly.[/highlight]
I'm just letting you know because the cores, especially if you're using stock valo bearings, will warp very quickly. There's nothing wrong with the urethane, the cores are just shitty.