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Member Since: 20 Dec 2008Last Seen: 02 Jan 2022
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19 Comments By marc
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16-19 out of 19 comments
29 Dec 2008 comment on Bauer Skates
ha ha u lot make me laugh, these r old skool and were pretty dam good at the time bauer had some decent skates i had the shiftys one of the first aggressive skates to have a soul plate so these ugly skate paved the way for the ones u have now RESPECT THE OLD SKOOL!!! :P lol
ha ha u lot make me laugh, these r old skool and were pretty dam good at the time bauer had some decent skates i had the shiftys one of the first aggressive skates to have a soul plate so these ugly skate paved the way for the ones u have now RESPECT THE OLD SKOOL!!! :P lol
23 Dec 2008 comment on trs estilo
cheers mate they skate sooo well too, but im selling them as i need the ££ and i only use my xsjado now
cheers mate they skate sooo well too, but im selling them as i need the ££ and i only use my xsjado now
[highlight=#cccccc]who the fuck r u nob ed!! il do want i want shit face!! im gonna post shit loads now u little turd[/highlight]