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Member Since: 12 Jan 2009Last Seen: 12 Jan 2009
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6 Comments By rooney
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27 Feb 2009 comment on kelso Green
its jsut some old sloul plates and a old rat tail cuff and what are u talkin about 5ooth post its like my 5th
its jsut some old sloul plates and a old rat tail cuff and what are u talkin about 5ooth post its like my 5th
15 Jan 2009 comment on rachard johnson legacy
i like the skate ther pretty solid but they weigh a tonne i would recommend them for vert of "mushroom blading " ha and yea i am thinkin of takin them off
i like the skate ther pretty solid but they weigh a tonne i would recommend them for vert of "mushroom blading " ha and yea i am thinkin of takin them off
my favourite skat im skatin them now did my first handrail on them today and there still great try v cutting the cuff and get a v cut liner its a great skate overall