frozt's Profile
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Member Since: 04 May 2007Last Seen: 22 Mar 2022
19 Uploads Total
11 Comments By frozt
frozts latest comments
6-10 out of 11 comments
02 Oct 2019 comment on Xsjado Usd
not any more, i left that skates for some friend in Ecuador too many years ago (like 4 years)
not any more, i left that skates for some friend in Ecuador too many years ago (like 4 years)
11 Oct 2014 comment on Jeff Stockwell Red Modify
Pero con otro cuff?? Por ejemplo usd throne v cufff??
Pero con otro cuff?? Por ejemplo usd throne v cufff??
if you have Facebook, is a Group call "Blade Trade Outpost" and maybe there you can find some cheap second hand Xsjados ;)