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Member Since: 01 May 2009Last Seen: 10 Aug 2011
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130 Comments By halcyon
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14 Mar 2010 comment on Cult 8 razors
Those are too dope. Where are u finding these frames so new?..... also these skates look a lot like shima 3s.
Those are too dope. Where are u finding these frames so new?..... also these skates look a lot like shima 3s.
14 Mar 2010 comment on razors G8
ugh..... those are so damn sexy.they should be in a victoria secret add. i would too afraid to skate those just cuz i wouldnt want them to scuff up.
ugh..... those are so damn sexy.they should be in a victoria secret add. i would too afraid to skate those just cuz i wouldnt want them to scuff up.
06 Mar 2010 comment on CH 1 Deshi
dude. those wheels are complete shit. if u've never had those store bought senates then u should kno that they chunk as soon as u use them.
dude. those wheels are complete shit. if u've never had those store bought senates then u should kno that they chunk as soon as u use them.
dope....... the plates and frames look a little orange compared to the boot