xsjado.fc's Profile
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Member Since: 10 Sep 2009Last Seen: 29 Oct 2011
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8 Comments By xsjado.fc
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xsjado.fcs latest comments
6-8 out of 8 comments
22 Jan 2010 comment on Xsjado Chris Farmer 2009
Wow, good look. But they would seem better if you paint (dye) the belcros (clasps) of blue. I am Mexican, forgive me if my translation is incorrect.
Wow, good look. But they would seem better if you paint (dye) the belcros (clasps) of blue. I am Mexican, forgive me if my translation is incorrect.
18 Dec 2009 comment on Lightning TRS
Jejejejeje. No manches... Parecen de los que compreas en el tianguis. Estan muy curas. XP... XD... XD... XD
Jejejejeje. No manches... Parecen de los que compreas en el tianguis. Estan muy curas. XP... XD... XD... XD
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[left][b]Yeahhhhhhh.[/b][/left] [left][b][/b] [/left] [left]Muy fregones... Insane[/left]