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Member Since: 29 Sep 2009Last Seen: 24 May 2012
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24 Comments By tical3hb
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tical3hbs latest comments
11-15 out of 24 comments
24 May 2012 comment on Salomon ST8
Is it just held on by the frame bolts like on the carbons? Also, what size frame bolts should I use?
Is it just held on by the frame bolts like on the carbons? Also, what size frame bolts should I use?
24 May 2012 comment on ST-80 Salomoin
Is it just held on by the frame bolts like on the carbons? Also, what size frame bolts should I use?
Is it just held on by the frame bolts like on the carbons? Also, what size frame bolts should I use?
24 May 2012 comment on ST 80 carbon souls
Is it just held on by the frame bolts like on the carbons? Also, what size frame bolts should I use?
Is it just held on by the frame bolts like on the carbons? Also, what size frame bolts should I use?
24 May 2012 comment on Salomon B Campbell with Carbon plates
Is it just held on by the frame bolts like on the carbons? Also, what size frame bolts should I use?
Is it just held on by the frame bolts like on the carbons? Also, what size frame bolts should I use?
Is it just held on by the frame bolts like on the carbons? Also, what size frame bolts should I use?