new-waveroller's Profile
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Member Since: 28 Jan 2010Last Seen: 28 Jan 2010
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8 Comments By new-waveroller
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new-waverollers latest comments
1-5 out of 8 comments
20 Jul 2010 comment on Aragon 3
1 pack of dye and maybe 10L of boiling water but im not sure i jus filled the pot i was using
1 pack of dye and maybe 10L of boiling water but im not sure i jus filled the pot i was using
12 Jul 2010 comment on Aragon 3
make sure the water is hot to activate the dye, leave it to soak into the plastic and jus keep moving the skate around making sure its all covered equally :)
make sure the water is hot to activate the dye, leave it to soak into the plastic and jus keep moving the skate around making sure its all covered equally :)
05 Feb 2010 comment on icon 2
yo just got all my stuff today but my left cuff is like rusted on lol so i cant set up my left skate wich suks big time.
yo just got all my stuff today but my left cuff is like rusted on lol so i cant set up my left skate wich suks big time.
the aqua/spearmint parts would look sick with that setup ;)