berenzenmark0775's Profile
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Member Since: 18 Mar 2010Last Seen: 18 Mar 2010
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56 Comments By berenzenmark0775
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berenzenmark0775s latest comments
51-55 out of 56 comments
01 Apr 2010 comment on Valo TV1
nice setup, but why the blank wheels and not the lomax undercover wheels? the lomax are faster.....
nice setup, but why the blank wheels and not the lomax undercover wheels? the lomax are faster.....
30 Mar 2010 comment on Razors Flat with UFS
i would choose a "large" frame ;-) but it´s your skate ;)
i would choose a "large" frame ;-) but it´s your skate ;)
29 Mar 2010 comment on Razors Flat with UFS
i think the frame looks to short.... what size is the frame and what size is the boot? i think longer frames looks like better
i think the frame looks to short.... what size is the frame and what size is the boot? i think longer frames looks like better
The colour is nice, but it´s not enough yellow.... i mean , you should have to dye more parts of this skate....