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Member Since: 24 Mar 2010Last Seen: 07 May 2011
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10 Comments By Tiggitytom
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Tiggitytoms latest comments
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14 Sep 2010 comment on xsjado
these frames are shoooort, nothing like RB switch at all. I'd stay away if i were you.
these frames are shoooort, nothing like RB switch at all. I'd stay away if i were you.
24 Apr 2010 comment on Razors Impact 200
hard to find pics of these online, they were the last skate i purchased before quitting around 1999. nostalgia for me. wish i never pawned them to play it again.
hard to find pics of these online, they were the last skate i purchased before quitting around 1999. nostalgia for me. wish i never pawned them to play it again.
peep the other skates in my collection!