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Member Since: 12 Apr 2010Last Seen: 12 Apr 2010
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8 Comments By L33M1TCH
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L33M1TCHs latest comments
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18 May 2010 comment on USD UFS THRONE EVO II - CUSTOM
Cheers dude, It was a toss up between these or some valos. Just started skating again after 4 years. The Jug liners are sweet but cant compare to sifika cos i've never skated them. Safe
Cheers dude, It was a toss up between these or some valos. Just started skating again after 4 years. The Jug liners are sweet but cant compare to sifika cos i've never skated them. Safe
13 May 2010 comment on Dom Sagona
Sick... I'm trying to get hold of some Diamond 3 piece souls but cant find them anywhere!!!
Sick... I'm trying to get hold of some Diamond 3 piece souls but cant find them anywhere!!!
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Those look sick man, did you buy them with the soul plates? I'm trying to get hold of some white XL's but cant find them anywhere! If you got them seperately pls can you tell me where from. Safe man