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Member Since: 13 May 2010Last Seen: 11 Apr 2016
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16 Comments By BMW318TI
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BMW318TIs latest comments
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15 May 2010 comment on Gold being Naked
I've ordered some stuff. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
I've ordered some stuff. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
15 May 2010 comment on Gold being Naked
Those are freestyle Fr1 skates liners. Well I don't need eylets, because the boot is very slim so you don't have to tight the laces.. Nahh I like Valo: more possibilities.
Those are freestyle Fr1 skates liners. Well I don't need eylets, because the boot is very slim so you don't have to tight the laces.. Nahh I like Valo: more possibilities.
14 May 2010 comment on Gold being Naked
No they don't:-). [img][/img]
No they don't:-). [img][/img]
Yes stuff are in today, I will make some pictures!