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Member Since: 24 May 2010Last Seen: 24 May 2010
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7 Comments By foggylv
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24 May 2010 comment on 0301Remz
[quote=berenzenmark0775]the old remz´s are definetly the best and hottest ! [/quote] ya for shure i had some 0702 and they felt like swetty nut sac's on my feet. theese ones feal like a skate. and they feal a little lighter too
[quote=berenzenmark0775]the old remz´s are definetly the best and hottest ! [/quote] ya for shure i had some 0702 and they felt like swetty nut sac's on my feet. theese ones feal like a skate. and they feal a little lighter too
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