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Member Since: 12 Oct 2010Last Seen: 11 Mar 2020
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8 Comments By Rendrz
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13 Oct 2010 comment on K2 Fatty old school non UFS
Or maybe it was 96, anyone? Thought some might appreciate these for nostalgic purposes. Got them a couple years ago off ebay with a custom job in mind but can't bring myself to taint them.
Or maybe it was 96, anyone? Thought some might appreciate these for nostalgic purposes. Got them a couple years ago off ebay with a custom job in mind but can't bring myself to taint them.
13 Oct 2010 comment on Carbon 1 Kelso Black
haha yeah couple dudes said that. Very expensive cutting board if so. A lot of cutting boards are actually made from UHMWPE combined with other crap, so it may well be a walmart cutting board. But its not. This stuff is virgin UHMWPE and can be ordered from any plastics or acrylics joint. Its a bit pricey(here in australia anyway), but if you order a nice big slab its more worth your while to make 2 or 3 sets, and is then cheaper then carbon plates. Where i got it it's available in green, black or white/natural, but i reckon you could die the natural if you wanted. Make sure its UHMWPE, they've tried to palm off the standard HMWPE but it aint the same ish.
haha yeah couple dudes said that. Very expensive cutting board if so. A lot of cutting boards are actually made from UHMWPE combined with other crap, so it may well be a walmart cutting board. But its not. This stuff is virgin UHMWPE and can be ordered from any plastics or acrylics joint. Its a bit pricey(here in australia anyway), but if you order a nice big slab its more worth your while to make 2 or 3 sets, and is then cheaper then carbon plates. Where i got it it's available in green, black or white/natural, but i reckon you could die the natural if you wanted. Make sure its UHMWPE, they've tried to palm off the standard HMWPE but it aint the same ish.
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was going for that nihm concept so I wear in a more natural groove, they have a small one now but these aren't easy to wear down. Probably pre-groove a small one into the next set I make now that I know exactly where my natural groove is. I find them surprisingly sick for backslides though, even when they were fresh, i think because the frame is so sunk, like the aragon2's/SL skates.