www.freeskatenews.pl - default.jpg

www.freeskatenews.pl's Profile

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Country: DE Poland
State: Slaskie
City: Katowice


Member Since: 28 Feb 2011
Last Seen: 13 Jun 2011
3 Uploads Total
11 Comments By www.freeskatenews.pl

Latest Uploads

1-3 out of 3 uploads
Freeride Fusion X3 Transparent
ST Rob Thompson FR
ST Thompson 2 freeride setup


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www.freeskatenews.pls latest comments

1-5 out of 11 comments
Wontons customs
13 Jun 2011 comment on Wontons customs

Nice! I like this black cuff on transparent shell :)
Freeride Fusion X3 Transparent
30 May 2011 comment on Freeride Fusion X3 Transparent

Sorry 28,5cm :)
Freeride Fusion X3 Transparent
30 May 2011 comment on Freeride Fusion X3 Transparent

Size of skate 44 (28,cm)
K2 Varsity
06 May 2011 comment on K2 Varsity

Finger skates ? :P
Salomon St skates
04 May 2011 comment on Salomon St skates

what race??? he made downhill skate not race....

Former / Old School Skate Manufacturers:


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