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Member Since: 27 Apr 2011Last Seen: 06 Jul 2011
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10 Comments By JordanlBlUnique
JordanlBlUniques latest comments
1-5 out of 10 comments
06 May 2011 comment on Salomon B Campbell with Carbon plates
I have to say, these are the nicest Salamon's I have seen.
I have to say, these are the nicest Salamon's I have seen.
02 May 2011 comment on Chris Farmer
These frames look no different to Razor stock frames, I bet there not evan stronger or faster either, just a new way to rip people of by giving them a better look, stupid in my opinion.
These frames look no different to Razor stock frames, I bet there not evan stronger or faster either, just a new way to rip people of by giving them a better look, stupid in my opinion.
These would look sick with a Jug liner!