kilabeep3 - 2598.jpg

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Country: DE United States
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 24 Jul 2011
Last Seen: 23 Apr 2013
1 Uploads Total
7 Comments By kilabeep3

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A3 SL custom


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kilabeep3s latest comments

1-5 out of 7 comments
Razor Creams
23 Apr 2013 comment on Razor Creams

i had those frames in grey!
they were soo buttery before 50/50 came out
EB.1 with SSM Souls
23 Apr 2013 comment on EB.1 with SSM Souls


please teach me!!!
Razors Flat with  sick wheels
23 Apr 2013 comment on Razors Flat with sick wheels

so fresh!
Various Frames
23 Apr 2013 comment on Various Frames

from top to bottom

GC featherlite
i think its the first one

GC version 2
the first release had the H block stick out way more than that.

also the hardware was also better than the gc featherlite frames as well.

stock razor frames
and finally the xsjado mooks

A3 SL custom
21 Mar 2012 comment on A3 SL custom

this setup is old now.
currently they have new white GC fl2 on them and
BTW it doesn't matter what frames i ride.
i can use these just as well as GC frames.

honestly i perfer these just cause im old school.

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