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Member Since: 25 Feb 2012Last Seen: 11 Nov 2013
21 Uploads Total
9 Comments By Jenokzi
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Jenokzis latest comments
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12 Apr 2012 comment on custom classics
What size?! If those are a 6/7/8 please let me buy them from you. Minus the liners or frames or cuffs? Just the sheels and shoul plates? Been dying for some dem georges for so long? Get back to me if you're interested. I'll use paypal.
What size?! If those are a 6/7/8 please let me buy them from you. Minus the liners or frames or cuffs? Just the sheels and shoul plates? Been dying for some dem georges for so long? Get back to me if you're interested. I'll use paypal.
12 Apr 2012 comment on custom classics
What size?! If those are a 6/7/8 please let me buy them from you. Minus the liners?
What size?! If those are a 6/7/8 please let me buy them from you. Minus the liners?
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OMG you have literally every bloody skate I've been looking for. Again what size and would you be interested in selling? Boot only.