teamphh's Profile
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Member Since: 26 Feb 2012Last Seen: 15 Feb 2022
7 Uploads Total
38 Comments By teamphh
teamphhs latest comments
26-30 out of 38 comments
13 Mar 2012 comment on Wontons customs
wow i loveo them fresh rachards. when you get a chance check out mine.
wow i loveo them fresh rachards. when you get a chance check out mine.
13 Mar 2012 comment on hooi thrones
i always wanted those hoois, but never had a chance to buy them. they look great .
i always wanted those hoois, but never had a chance to buy them. they look great .
01 Mar 2012 comment on My Skates
i like those razors genesys. the white cuff and souls looks hot. so you switched the liners from the trs to the genesys and vice versa. thats cool how do you feel em? the trs must feel more full with the genesys liners .
i like those razors genesys. the white cuff and souls looks hot. so you switched the liners from the trs to the genesys and vice versa. thats cool how do you feel em? the trs must feel more full with the genesys liners .
26 Feb 2012 comment on Salomon Feinberg
thats great work. ingenious way to put xsjado souls on salomon.
thats great work. ingenious way to put xsjado souls on salomon.
hahahaha your funny dogg. those are dope.