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Member Since: 16 Mar 2012Last Seen: 23 Aug 2019
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01 Apr 2012 comment on Open Shell with DC Skins
Thanks Justin! I just got off the toe strap but because of the added skins they became too tight for my feet so I couldn't skate them very long at once anyway. Yesterday I orderd some Spec. Ops liners perhaps they are worth their money... By the way, I like your Salomon/SL customs!
@ Andreas: Thanks! Perhaps they could start a joint venture one day (I don't believe in) as a statement to show that the fighting between bladers and skateboarders is stupid and infantile. However, I would prefer a charcoal shell (like the first M12s) with black skins. Maybe I'll dye them sometime...
Thanks Justin! I just got off the toe strap but because of the added skins they became too tight for my feet so I couldn't skate them very long at once anyway. Yesterday I orderd some Spec. Ops liners perhaps they are worth their money... By the way, I like your Salomon/SL customs!
@ Andreas: Thanks! Perhaps they could start a joint venture one day (I don't believe in) as a statement to show that the fighting between bladers and skateboarders is stupid and infantile. However, I would prefer a charcoal shell (like the first M12s) with black skins. Maybe I'll dye them sometime...