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Member Since: 11 May 2012Last Seen: 11 Sep 2019
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31 Comments By antirocker
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antirockers latest comments
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03 Dec 2012 comment on powerblade minton 1s
Hell yes! Haha. I believe I just screwed in the bolts. Thanks for letting me know the frames are back to front. No wonder I can only go fakie.
Hell yes! Haha. I believe I just screwed in the bolts. Thanks for letting me know the frames are back to front. No wonder I can only go fakie.
03 Dec 2012 comment on powerblade minton 1s
Hell yes! Haha. I believe I just screwed in the bolts. Thanks for letting me know the frames are back to front. No wonder I can only go fakie.
Hell yes! Haha. I believe I just screwed in the bolts. Thanks for letting me know the frames are back to front. No wonder I can only go fakie.
Xsjado 1.5's. If its not broke don't fix it.