pwb85 - 2893.jpg

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Country: DE United States
State: Illinois
City: Towanda


Member Since: 16 Jul 2012
Last Seen: 17 Feb 2015
13 Uploads Total
12 Comments By pwb85

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Salo ST10
xsjado 1.5
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Custom UFS Throne


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pwb85s latest comments

1-5 out of 12 comments
Custom Salomon ST 10
24 Feb 2015 comment on Custom Salomon ST 10

To clarify, the soul plates are directly to the boot. The frames have the original ufs plates underneath...cut to fit.
Custom Salomon ST 10
24 Feb 2015 comment on Custom Salomon ST 10

These are mounted directly to the boot. I ground down the boot flat in the middle, then I cut the soul parts/wings off of the stock Salomon plates and used the middle ufs frame channel like you would normally. It will leave you with a strip of plastic with the frame holes that fit perfectly between the new RB souls. I suppose you could easily mount the frames directly to the boot, but you would just need shorter frame bolts. I did mine with the original Salomon ufs so I could use the stock frame bolts and keep the boot the same height.
Custom Salomon ST 10
17 Feb 2015 comment on Custom Salomon ST 10

Pretty easy mod. just dremel out the small support pieces on the inside of the souls, grind the boot down flat in the middle. Size 10 skate with size large souls. the back holes line up ok. Have to drill the front two holes. Took about 30 minutes start to finish. Way easier than modding carbon souls.
Custom RB Solo Troopers
23 Sep 2014 comment on Custom RB Solo Troopers

M 9.0-10.5
Old TRS refresh
02 May 2014 comment on Old TRS refresh

Nice work on the backslide plate. I always thought those souls were a little too deep as well.

Former / Old School Skate Manufacturers:


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