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Member Since: 18 Feb 2007Last Seen: 25 Feb 2007
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7 Comments By Saarskater
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Saarskaters latest comments
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26 Dec 2007 comment on Grycon VII Ugly
"back of the soulplate looks really thin" like on my realms, i think....easy to destroy
"back of the soulplate looks really thin" like on my realms, i think....easy to destroy
26 Dec 2007 comment on White Realms
Looks unproportional ...the frame is too small looks very strange but if you like it and you can skate it ok
Looks unproportional ...the frame is too small looks very strange but if you like it and you can skate it ok
26 Dec 2007 comment on REMZ OS Custom Setup
I Like them, but i think they are getting ugly after some grinds. But its a nice setup...I don´t understand why people doesnt like this skate
I Like them, but i think they are getting ugly after some grinds. But its a nice setup...I don´t understand why people doesnt like this skate
12 Dec 2007 comment on Realms - Vintage V-Cut
How is the flex on the ankles with this cut. I got the normal realm and now I wonder, how the flexibility is on the ankles when you lock on Topsouls for example. My English is very bad so i hope that you understand what i mean.
How is the flex on the ankles with this cut. I got the normal realm and now I wonder, how the flexibility is on the ankles when you lock on Topsouls for example. My English is very bad so i hope that you understand what i mean.
in Germany they where avaible under the Brand YASHIMA they were in a big ctalogue called Quelle I think 99 Euros. same shell same look but they are sold in red