Justin - 291.jpg

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Country: DE United States
State: Ohio
City: Abanaka


Member Since: 05 Jul 2007
Last Seen: 28 Feb 2022
32 Uploads Total
576 Comments By Justin

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22-28 out of 32 uploads
Genesys 5
Ground Control Formula 1
Rachard Johnson Throne
Spizer 1
Nimh Shima V.1
TRS Detail - Downtown I
Fila Skates


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Justins latest comments

546-550 out of 576 comments
Salomon Whitey
14 Jul 2007 comment on Salomon Whitey

I think that this is an old Aggressivemall custom. I remeber seeing it in a Daily Bread ad.
Salomon Whitey
14 Jul 2007 comment on Salomon Whitey

[quote=Rollerbert]brandon campbell 2 with vinny 1 cuff. hartboot + softboot cuff = sickest salos ever. will make my bcams the same way sometimes if i get a softboot cuff from someone!!! suspension frames with uhmw blocks are awsome!!![/quote] Whats the difference of the hardboot cuff and the soft boot cuff?
shima 7s
14 Jul 2007 comment on shima 7s

[quote=Scottish_Dave] you might have got them for a fiver but those are the liners that came in Genesys 2s so that guy was right you could also buy the liner seperate though[/quote] Nah, man. The Razors G2 came with a black and red Genesys liner. The Reign neoprene liner was only available seperate.
Salomon Whitey
14 Jul 2007 comment on Salomon Whitey

Those are old. Really nice though.
OG Throne teams im guessing
13 Jul 2007 comment on OG Throne teams im guessing

[quote=skobberhouse]Justin,<br><br>do size 8 Jugs fit big? Cause Im 8 and if 7 fits I'd rather have 7s.<br> [/quote]<br><br>Hey, I'm about a size8 and the Jug neos are comfy but I could fit a size7 so maybe you could. Jugs have a thin heel area and a stretchy neoprene toe so even if they're super tight they should still feel good.<br><br>

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