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Member Since: 05 Jul 2007Last Seen: 28 Feb 2022
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576 Comments By Justin
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Justins latest comments
81-85 out of 576 comments
24 Aug 2009 comment on Razors Genesys LE w Fifty-50 Balance
glad to see youre using the small sized frame. smaller frames equal more control! but you should really give those frames a try with all 8 wheels down theyre the best for flat
glad to see youre using the small sized frame. smaller frames equal more control! but you should really give those frames a try with all 8 wheels down theyre the best for flat
24 Aug 2009 comment on shima 7 -back in black
I had a really similar boot. Except big Js and double buckled. Loved them.
I had a really similar boot. Except big Js and double buckled. Loved them.
24 Aug 2009 comment on Deshi Carbon black
seriously looks horrible look how the skin is pouring over the souls i would ruin carbons before i would ruin those classic skin please put some kind of wrap around soul on to protect the bottom of the skin and to make them look decent. also if the weight of any soul plate on deshi carbons affects you then you should just quit rolling now
seriously looks horrible look how the skin is pouring over the souls i would ruin carbons before i would ruin those classic skin please put some kind of wrap around soul on to protect the bottom of the skin and to make them look decent. also if the weight of any soul plate on deshi carbons affects you then you should just quit rolling now
How did no one comment on these? They're SO nice. Perfect fit and feel of Cult boot plus some halfway decent soul plates.