Justin - 291.jpg

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Country: DE United States
State: Ohio
City: Abanaka


Member Since: 05 Jul 2007
Last Seen: 28 Feb 2022
32 Uploads Total
576 Comments By Justin

Latest Uploads

15-21 out of 32 uploads
Genesys  SL Hybrid
Salomon ST-8 w SL souls
Icons 2s
Franky Morales
Razors G5
K2 Transfers


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Justins latest comments

166-170 out of 576 comments
Chris Farmer 2
18 Dec 2008 comment on Chris Farmer 2

gimme your frames!
Genesys 8
18 Dec 2008 comment on Genesys 8

whats going on with the liner there? im confused
Xsjado DL1 with Razor Cuff
18 Dec 2008 comment on Xsjado DL1 with Razor Cuff

i love it. i did a similar thing but kept them like regular xsjados
Salomon ST-8 w SL souls
17 Dec 2008 comment on Salomon ST-8 w SL souls

[quote=skatejamie]Hey Justin. You in the states? It would be great if you could put together a SL Minton setup. I am a UK size 8 so US 9. But it would cost a small fortune to ship. I would have been prepared to give up $180 for just the boot if it was in good condition. [/quote] I happen to have some mint salo mintons in a US 9. I dont have liners tho i would be glad to make you a setup. how about email or IM me and we can talk about it openyoureyes_thinkforyourself@yahoo.com AIM: justinthursday thx
Salomon ST-8 w SL souls
16 Dec 2008 comment on Salomon ST-8 w SL souls

[quote=skatejamie]Damn good job on the custom!!! A real pioneering idea. Salomons were notoriously slow on backslides and farvs as the boot was effectively the backslide plate. I would pay real good money for a pair of black and white mintons with white SL bs plates and souls. But the old mintons are like gold dust.[/quote] I hope you are a size 9. I've got some mint shells. I would be willing to build you one of these setups. Get at me.

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