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Member Since: 05 Jul 2007Last Seen: 28 Feb 2022
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576 Comments By Justin
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21-25 out of 576 comments
01 Sep 2012 comment on godzilla
I've actually always wanted to do this. Those boots look like they would be so comfortable with the flex lacing.
I've actually always wanted to do this. Those boots look like they would be so comfortable with the flex lacing.
01 Sep 2012 comment on UFS 2.0
Not bad. I would skate it if the frame walls came all the way down to where the groove is.
Not bad. I would skate it if the frame walls came all the way down to where the groove is.
24 May 2012 comment on Salomon ST-Campbell
Nope. Properly screwed on like the stock souls! Smallest frame bolts you can find depending on the thickness of your frames. Axle bolts tend to work great if you don't have short frame bolts. Thanks!
Nope. Properly screwed on like the stock souls! Smallest frame bolts you can find depending on the thickness of your frames. Axle bolts tend to work great if you don't have short frame bolts. Thanks!
This looks awesome. I tried this with TRS souls or something since Carbons hadn't been released yet. The boot flexed so much at the bottom. Good call mounting it down. I would do 4 screws total in the heel block though.