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Member Since: 05 Jul 2007Last Seen: 28 Feb 2022
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576 Comments By Justin
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266-270 out of 576 comments
28 May 2008 comment on downtown 2
looks good. i did the same thing with my DTs. razors cuffs are perfect for trs. also, goodluck with not destroying the toe of your skins!
looks good. i did the same thing with my DTs. razors cuffs are perfect for trs. also, goodluck with not destroying the toe of your skins!
28 May 2008 comment on Remz OS
love the frames/wheels setup have you considered dyeing the boot red? also, im glad you dont have the vcut liner in there. they look so shitty. and its pointless, liners are soft..
love the frames/wheels setup have you considered dyeing the boot red? also, im glad you dont have the vcut liner in there. they look so shitty. and its pointless, liners are soft..
28 May 2008 comment on Shima 4
not bad. i wanna see them on your feet cause they look kind boatish here. maybe just cause of the small frames?
not bad. i wanna see them on your feet cause they look kind boatish here. maybe just cause of the small frames?
28 May 2008 comment on G7
red looks great. dont get a red cuff.. maybe a black one if anything. maybe some red laces too?
red looks great. dont get a red cuff.. maybe a black one if anything. maybe some red laces too?
i like the added white paint. maybe continue it onto the cuff?