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Member Since: 05 Jul 2007Last Seen: 28 Feb 2022
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576 Comments By Justin
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05 Feb 2008 comment on DESHI CH1 - BH
OMG! That is exactly how I would skate my deshis if the liners fit. I need a bigger shell!
OMG! That is exactly how I would skate my deshis if the liners fit. I need a bigger shell!
01 Feb 2008 comment on Razors Harmanus
[quote=Chris Dö]Hey welche Shell-Gr. ist das??? www.lamedoe.de[/quote] Es ist US8-9 oder 10-11?
[quote=Chris Dö]Hey welche Shell-Gr. ist das??? www.lamedoe.de[/quote] Es ist US8-9 oder 10-11?
27 Jan 2008 comment on Genesys 5
[quote=ninja9]how are the sole plates ?[/quote] The best. I can make you some if you want. AIM: oreganoislove Or you can just ask me about them.
[quote=ninja9]how are the sole plates ?[/quote] The best. I can make you some if you want. AIM: oreganoislove Or you can just ask me about them.
Hella nice dude! How do the liners feel in there?