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Member Since: 05 Jul 2007Last Seen: 28 Feb 2022
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23 Jan 2008 comment on Franky Morales
[quote=P0Nt3]Sorta, I forgot I commented on the one and commented on another pic of the same skate and get nothin but hate. SORRY FOR BEING A POT HEAD![/quote] lol. ok. Your comment needs to be at least 10 characters and 3 words long.
[quote=P0Nt3]Sorta, I forgot I commented on the one and commented on another pic of the same skate and get nothin but hate. SORRY FOR BEING A POT HEAD![/quote] lol. ok. Your comment needs to be at least 10 characters and 3 words long.
Nice dude. I've done the toe thing with all my TRS before. I did that inner side cut out with my details, I loved it. They were size 7 and I could fit my size 8 foot no problem. I also too a dremil to the inside of the toe on the midsoul, i ground it thinner and lower so the skin could stretch and it did. Worked great! Props on your cutting job.