Justin - 291.jpg

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Country: DE United States
State: Ohio
City: Abanaka


Member Since: 05 Jul 2007
Last Seen: 28 Feb 2022
32 Uploads Total
576 Comments By Justin

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Trs Downtown II
Dre Powell
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Trs Downtown II


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306-310 out of 576 comments
23 Jan 2008 comment on USD REALM WHITE CUSTOM

Roces? Why? Is it really better? Wouldn't Grycon souls be better??
Franky Morales
23 Jan 2008 comment on Franky Morales

[quote=P0Nt3]I'm referring to the look, not the setup fool. Keep your personal insults to yourself. I was talkin about skates jackass.[/quote] I assumed you were going along with your post on the other frankys where you said the skins shouldn't be taken off.
Razors G5
22 Jan 2008 comment on Razors G5

ohhhhhh ! !
Franky Morales
22 Jan 2008 comment on Franky Morales

[quote=P0Nt3]Gay...no Remz should ever not have a skin...you like to look at porn with skinlesss chicks? I don't like seeing ppls inners...same thing with rollerblades[/quote] Shut up. You're a loving idiot. Its like any other skate but with straps instead of laces.
Remz FM
22 Jan 2008 comment on Remz FM

[quote=P0Nt3]Ok seriously...you people need to stop taking off the skin on the Remz. It looks loving retarted to extreme okay?! Congradulovinglations, you just destroyed a perfectly good pair of skates.[/quote] haha. These never had skins. This is how the frankys came.

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