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Member Since: 05 Jul 2007Last Seen: 28 Feb 2022
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25 Jun 2014 comment on Legacy mod custom
Do you have a shell of some sort under there? I thought those were basically just really thick skins. Wont they flop out?
Do you have a shell of some sort under there? I thought those were basically just really thick skins. Wont they flop out?
30 Mar 2014 comment on Custom trs estilo
Awesome. I did this with white Detail skins and Carbon shells. Tuck the skin under the boot shell so you don't have exposed seems and you'll be good to go!
Awesome. I did this with white Detail skins and Carbon shells. Tuck the skin under the boot shell so you don't have exposed seems and you'll be good to go!
Check the blade trade outpost page on Facebook. I think someone just posted a pair for sale.