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Member Since: 05 Jul 2007Last Seen: 28 Feb 2022
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576 Comments By Justin
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56-60 out of 576 comments
12 Jul 2010 comment on ST-80 Salomoin
They look good for sure. Would have left the toe and heel nubs tho. You should use screws on the souls plates to secure them like the stock souls.
They look good for sure. Would have left the toe and heel nubs tho. You should use screws on the souls plates to secure them like the stock souls.
12 Jul 2010 comment on STI Pro RB plates Sxjado special custom.
DO you have any idea how incredibly rare these are? And they were brand new? What the fuck. You ruined a classic. The custom souls and frames look cool tho I would never skate them like that. But that toe cut is unforgivable.
DO you have any idea how incredibly rare these are? And they were brand new? What the fuck. You ruined a classic. The custom souls and frames look cool tho I would never skate them like that. But that toe cut is unforgivable.
12 Jul 2010 comment on Rollerblade TRS Franky Morales
Where the hell did you get those wheels???? I want another set so bad!
Where the hell did you get those wheels???? I want another set so bad!
27 Jun 2010 comment on Deshi Carbon white
I had traded some blacked out Xsjados for them. Sean Kelso hooked me up with the soul plates:)
I had traded some blacked out Xsjados for them. Sean Kelso hooked me up with the soul plates:)
Gorgeous. Get black frames and the new Murder One yellow wheels.