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Member Since: 05 Jul 2007Last Seen: 28 Feb 2022
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576 Comments By Justin
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Justins latest comments
6-10 out of 576 comments
01 Feb 2014 comment on USD Jeff Dalnas Carbon Free Custom
I want these so badly! Good call taking the instep strap off. That thing is completely useless.
I want these so badly! Good call taking the instep strap off. That thing is completely useless.
04 Sep 2013 comment on Custom Morales
Agreed! I've been looking for TRS Morales boots or even just skins in a 6 or 7 for years. Cannot find them!
Agreed! I've been looking for TRS Morales boots or even just skins in a 6 or 7 for years. Cannot find them!
16 Aug 2013 comment on Brain Aragon 1s Genesis
Absolutely gorgeous. Some of the best looking Razors ever released.
Absolutely gorgeous. Some of the best looking Razors ever released.
Thanks a lot!