Connor_the_usd - default.jpg

Connor_the_usd's Profile

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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 24 Jul 2007
Last Seen: 24 Jul 2007
1 Uploads Total
6 Comments By Connor_the_usd

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My Sick New Realms USD


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Connor_the_usds latest comments

1-5 out of 6 comments
USD Realm
01 Aug 2007 comment on USD Realm

yah i hav just gotten mine i just put sum murda 1 anti rockers on and im kinda scared 2 try 2 grind im only 12 so its kinda scary
Randy Spizer Throne
25 Jul 2007 comment on Randy Spizer Throne

how do they ride i just got a pare of realms and they havnt come yet r they good for sole grinds
25 Jul 2007 comment on SHIMA SIX

thats how i like skates nice n dirty hahaha sweet
My Sick New Realms USD
25 Jul 2007 comment on My Sick New Realms USD

sick sick i want them sooo bad they need to come or i will go insane
My Sick New Realms USD
24 Jul 2007 comment on My Sick New Realms USD

myne i just bot they r gonna b sick

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