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Member Since: 26 Jul 2007Last Seen: 26 Jul 2007
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37 Comments By johnmurphy7
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johnmurphy7s latest comments
6-10 out of 37 comments
26 Mar 2009 comment on Chris Farmer 3 Damian Wilson
5 stars (*****) best xsjado setup i've EVER seen
5 stars (*****) best xsjado setup i've EVER seen
04 Mar 2009 comment on Farmer 339s
sexiest xsjado's ive ever seen, (*****) five stars i just wanna skate em and never take them off
sexiest xsjado's ive ever seen, (*****) five stars i just wanna skate em and never take them off
04 Mar 2009 comment on damien wilson
sweet, i bought some d.w. boots at bittercold for $200 i love em to death so far
sweet, i bought some d.w. boots at bittercold for $200 i love em to death so far
did you draw that xsjado insignia??? thats super ballin dude