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Member Since: 28 Jul 2007Last Seen: 28 Mar 2012
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114 Comments By Majin-Kiisu
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20 Sep 2007 comment on RollerBlade DT IV TRS 2008
It's true. TRS are getting worse as the years go on. Back in the day when they had internal cuffs they were amazing. Now they aren't.[i] [/i]I wouldn't skate any of the new ones to be honest. They have no flex at all.
It's true. TRS are getting worse as the years go on. Back in the day when they had internal cuffs they were amazing. Now they aren't.[i] [/i]I wouldn't skate any of the new ones to be honest. They have no flex at all.
@McPommes: I hate the new trs skates with their externam cuffs. completely against them.