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Member Since: 29 Jul 2007Last Seen: 05 Jan 2012
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120 Comments By Jamo
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11 Nov 2007 comment on Deshi CH1
erm cant reli say coz av never had a pair but these liners are well padded and got good support n a gd sized tung
erm cant reli say coz av never had a pair but these liners are well padded and got good support n a gd sized tung
11 Nov 2007 comment on Deshi CH1
am a size 10 foot and these fit pritty nice also i had the same liner in my kelso 2 in a size 10 with these liners that was a good fit an all so i would say get the same size as your foot
am a size 10 foot and these fit pritty nice also i had the same liner in my kelso 2 in a size 10 with these liners that was a good fit an all so i would say get the same size as your foot
i bet these are quite light now with them soles