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Member Since: 29 Jul 2007Last Seen: 05 Jan 2012
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120 Comments By Jamo
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05 Sep 2008 comment on USD Dominic Sagona UFS Throne
its so you can pull tighter and it will get tighter in the old boots it was all plastic so when u pulled tight nwt much happend, the cloth bit was also in the sean kelsos quite a clever idea i would say
its so you can pull tighter and it will get tighter in the old boots it was all plastic so when u pulled tight nwt much happend, the cloth bit was also in the sean kelsos quite a clever idea i would say
20 Aug 2008 comment on Juggernaut Haffey Pro Shoes Black
I got these 2 weeks or sumrt be for they hit the uk :D, should be 60 got them for 20 :) btw these dont go with light blue jeans or trakies
I got these 2 weeks or sumrt be for they hit the uk :D, should be 60 got them for 20 :) btw these dont go with light blue jeans or trakies
17 Aug 2008 comment on xsjado
i think ya done a good job of these, what gave you the idea to do this ?
i think ya done a good job of these, what gave you the idea to do this ?
25 Jul 2008 comment on VII TEAM GREY
i was just think about the soles on the skate at the back its rather thin, so i could probaley see that snapping
i was just think about the soles on the skate at the back its rather thin, so i could probaley see that snapping
can you tell any difference between the liners WB