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Member Since: 29 Jul 2007Last Seen: 05 Jan 2012
28 Uploads Total
120 Comments By Jamo
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Jamos latest comments
116-120 out of 120 comments
14 Aug 2007 comment on USD classic throne ALLSTARS
these skates are a size 9.5 plz comment my skates
these skates are a size 9.5 plz comment my skates
10 Aug 2007 comment on Deshi..
are them skates hevey with them xsjado sole plates on ? usd soles looks reil good on that boot n frames plus there light WB
are them skates hevey with them xsjado sole plates on ? usd soles looks reil good on that boot n frames plus there light WB
i know these are off the conference but am doing it for the website contents to give people an idea