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6 Comments By radesigns
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30 Mar 2017 comment on 2016 Solo Team Skate
Ok... RB Solo/Fusions have ALWAYS been sized in half sizes, don't know why they'd change for their latest model.
Ok... RB Solo/Fusions have ALWAYS been sized in half sizes, don't know why they'd change for their latest model.
10 Mar 2017 comment on 2016 Solo Team Skate
Just an FYI... the shell is 10/10.5... the liner determines final size. Great skates nonetheless.
Just an FYI... the shell is 10/10.5... the liner determines final size. Great skates nonetheless.
Also, my clear Fusions were purchased as a size 10, and my Troopers as a size 10.5. Same shell markings and fit, and I have the 2016 Blank liners in both in size 10.5.