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Member Since: 03 Aug 2007Last Seen: 03 Aug 2007
2 Uploads Total
13 Comments By fullana
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fullanas latest comments
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27 May 2008 comment on Razor Icons Custom - Rasta Self dyed
wow really nice :D I always wanted to do something like that!
wow really nice :D I always wanted to do something like that!
01 Sep 2007 comment on Deshi Mary with Razors frames
que coño...que son los patines de un colega , de donde sacaste las fotos pues??
que coño...que son los patines de un colega , de donde sacaste las fotos pues??
01 Sep 2007 comment on Deshi Mary with Razors frames
eeeeyyy this photo is from one friend, those skates aren't yours! jajajajaja
eeeeyyy this photo is from one friend, those skates aren't yours! jajajajaja
que guapoos como petan los razors viejunos con piel! no como los putos genesis que son tos iguales jaja aun asi molan, pero prefiero estos :D