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Member Since: 03 Aug 2007Last Seen: 03 Aug 2007
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85 Comments By delnotpre
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31-35 out of 85 comments
24 Aug 2007 comment on Roces Oli Short - Short Frames
hahahahaahhahaahhaahhahahahahaha poor attempt to spite me. too bad you're dumb enough just to think that if a frame is the smallest a company makes, that it means it is actually a perfect fit for your skates. no it isnt, moron. hahaha but thanks for trying to insult me with these ones
hahahahaahhahaahhaahhahahahahaha poor attempt to spite me. too bad you're dumb enough just to think that if a frame is the smallest a company makes, that it means it is actually a perfect fit for your skates. no it isnt, moron. hahaha but thanks for trying to insult me with these ones
23 Aug 2007 comment on Deshi CH1 Benny Pro Skates BOOTS ONLY 20
[quote=TycaH] You are an idiot! This skates are very cool, and very pretty! Show me skates, which are not "very ugly",in your opinion![/quote] blah blah blah. shut up you fucking loser. if you love em so much, why don't you shove em up your ass where they will stay with you forever, huh? faggot.
[quote=TycaH] You are an idiot! This skates are very cool, and very pretty! Show me skates, which are not "very ugly",in your opinion![/quote] blah blah blah. shut up you fucking loser. if you love em so much, why don't you shove em up your ass where they will stay with you forever, huh? faggot.
nice. how are the liners? they look painful.